Monday, 12 May 2014

Ask the Captain: Do pilots argue in the cockpit?

Question: A flight I was on was delayed due to the captain and first officer having some sort of personal disagreement which resulted in the first officer essentially refusing to fly any longer with the captain. Another crew was found to complete the flight. I recognize that air crews are some of the most professional workers out there, but can also see that they aren't immune from the stresses and interpersonal issues we all have in our jobs. Is this common, and how is it handled by the airline?

-- submitted by reader John Scott, Iowa

Answer: Very rarely, personality conflicts arise forcing a change in a flight crew. Pilots are trained in crew resource management to improve communication skills. This training provides tools to help resolve conflicts. If a situation does force an unscheduled change in a crew, both crewmembers usually will have a meeting with their chief pilot to investigate the specific circumstances. Any further action is determined by the recommendation of the chief pilot.

Q: How are captain and first officer assignments determined? Does the individual pilot have a say in who she/he will work with?

-- Bob, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

A: Usually seniority determines when a pilot is eligible for captain training. Upon completing the training, captains will normally fly as only captains. Occasionally two captains will fly when there is shortage of first officers.

Some airlines have an "avoid" capability in the bidding process allowing a pilot to list a pilot that he or she would rather not fly with.

Q: Do the captain and co-pilot fly together every flight?

-- Racman

A: The paring of flight crew varies depending on the size of the operation. It is common for pilots to fly together for a month, then fly with other pilots. The scheduling practices of operators vary greatly. Some are seniority-based, while others are not.

John Cox is a retired airline captain with U.S. Airways and runs his own aviation safety consulting company, Safety Operating Systems.

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