Thursday, 17 April 2014

United Airlines flight temporarily grounded at JFK Airport by bomb threat made on Twitter

A Tweet that referenced a bomb threat on a United Airlines flight from New York to Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, D.C., led a flight to be grounded, evacuated and searched at JFK on Wednesday night. No bomb was found.

Passengers were evacuated from a United Airlines flight prior to its scheduled takeoff from JFK Airport on Wednesday night after a company official spotted a bomb threat on Twitter, sources said.

United Airline’s corporate security saw the tweet, which was posted at 7:05 p.m. and read: “There is a bomb on a United Airlines flight from JFK to Dulles,” according to the Port Authority Police Department.

A 7:40 p.m. flight from JFK to Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, D.C., had already boarded at Terminal 7 but had not left the gate area when the tweet was spotted. Authorities evacuated all 49 passengers from the plane and the FBI began sweeping it for explosives, sources said.

No explosives were found. The plane took off about two hours late, officials said.

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