Tuesday, 5 August 2014

C-130 Airlifter: The Most Successful Military Aircraft Ever

Later this year, the U.S. Air Force will do something unprecedented. It will sign a contract to purchase more tactical airlifters from a program that first began turning out planes 60 years ago. The latest version of the plane is called the C-130J Super Hercules, and if you measure success in the military aircraft business by how many users a plane has, how many missions it performs, or how long it has been in continuous production, then Hercules is hands down the most successful military aircraft ever. This month marks the 60th anniversary of the plane’s first flight on August 23, 1954.

How long ago was that? Most of the music being sold in the U.S. back then consisted of 78 R.P.M. records. A majority of residential phones were on “party lines,” meaning your neighbor could listen in on your calls. There were only three television networks that mattered, and they broadcast exclusively in black-and-white. Microwave ovens cost thousands of dollars — tens of thousands in today’s dollars — and you couldn’t get a deal on one at WalMart because WalMart didn’t exist. The Worldwide Web would not appear for another 40 years.

The idea that an Air Force contract awarded during the Truman Administration — on July 2, 1951 — could lead to a plane that not only is still in production today, but in high demand around the world, is simply incredible. But it’s true: there are 2,000 C-130s of various vintages and configurations currently in use, and prime-contractor Lockheed Martin LMT +0.7% keeps finding new uses for the plane (the latest versions are for maritime patrol and commercial operations). All of the U.S. armed forces including the Coast Guard depend on Hercules, as do the vast majority of militaries in the Western Hemisphere, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and Arabia.

Two things have made Hercules unique. First, it was conceived as a rugged, versatile airlifter that could meet the transport needs of diverse users by landing almost anywhere with 20 tons of cargo. Second, the Air Force and Lockheed continuously invested in new technology to improve the plane’s performance for six straight decades. So over time it became more than just a mover of people and things — it became an aerial refueler for the Marine Corps, a covert insertion/extraction asset for Air Force special operators, a search-and-rescue plane for the Coast Guard (as featured in The Perfect Storm), a gunship for supporting soldiers on the ground, and a hurricane hunter for the Weather Service.

Seriously, the plane seems capable of doing almost anything. It resupplies bases in Antarctica using skis as landing gear. It conducts harrowing medical evacuations in the hot and dusty climate of Afghanistan. It flies at treetop level to drop flame retardants on forest fires in national parks. It has even been used to deliver “shock and awe” munitions against the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein — weapons so big that they wouldn’t fit on the planes in the U.S. bomber fleet. All of these missions have been accomplished while sustaining one of the lowest accident rates of any U.S. military aircraft.

The latest version of the C-130, the Super Hercules or “J” variant, is emblematic of the continuous improvement philosophy that has made the airframe so successful. With a cruising speed of 400 miles per hour and an unrefueled reach sufficient to fly from New York to San Francisco, Super Hercules provides a 40% gain in range over previous variants, a 20% gain in maximum speed, and needs only 60% of the runway distance to get airborne. It climbs faster and flies higher — even though superficially it looks very much like those earlier planes. The most obvious external difference is the use of new Allison engines with six all-composite blades per engine, a key factor in enhancing the plane’s performance and fuel efficiency.

Super Hercules also is equipped with integrated defensive countermeasures, the latest navigational aids, state-of-the-art displays, and a host of other technological upgrades. But therein lies an important management question for the Air Force. Most of the 400+ C-130s in its fleet lack the sophistication of the Super Hercules, and even with the 71 additional “J” variants the service plans to procure over the period 2015-2020, it will be a long time before the fleet is fully recapitalized. So what should the service do to keep its aging Hercules fleet airworthy as flight standards for civil air space become more demanding? In general, the oldest planes are the ones most likely to be operating in U.S. skies, because they belong to Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve units that have been assigned domestic missions such as disaster relief.

The service had planned to upgrade on-board electronic systems with a “C-130 Avionics Modernization Program” when the new millennium dawned, but as often happens when old aircraft are torn open, that proved to be harder than expected. So now it wants to fund a less costly effort that will just keep the legacy fleet safe to fly until it can be replaced by the newer Super Hercules. Some members of Congress don’t like that idea, because they fear foregoing the existing upgrade program will endanger reserve units in or near their districts. However, the oldest planes in those units are becoming too decrepit to fly, and the C-130 AMP program doesn’t address any of the top-ten drivers of maintenance costs in the legacy fleet.

In fact, some studies indicate that the current upgrade program would only improve mission readiness by a paltry 1% — at a cost of over $10 million per plane. So given budget constraints, the Air Force has concluded it needs to scale back the upgrades and forge ahead with buying replacement aircraft. Studies by the Institute for Defense Analysis and Government Accountability Office — federally funded think tanks — have confirmed the Air Force’s view that cheaper solutions to the electronic needs of the legacy fleet are available. That doesn’t seem to have fazed some legislators, though, who seem more concerned about jobs in their districts than the military utility of the planes. There is a legislative proposal pending to block changes in the AMP effort.

This seems to be a typical example of how narrow-gauge political agendas interfere with military modernization and readiness. The C-130 didn’t become the most successful military aircraft in history as a result of congressional micro-management. It remained relevant over six decades because the Air Force had the resources and discretion to keep its tactical airlift fleet current. Spending billions of dollars to patch up aging aircraft when a low-cost, more capable replacement is readily available makes no operational sense — especially at a time when defense spending is capped by law. If Congress wants to lift the caps, that’s another matter; but if it limits both the availability of funds and the efficiency with which funds can be spent, it will undermine the value of a legendary aircraft.


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