Sunday, 22 June 2014

Officials declare reports of plane crash 'unfounded'

Officials determined Sunday morning that the report of a plane crash in Whitewater Township that had crews searching late into the night was "unfounded."

A witness called emergency dispatchers around 8 p.m. Saturday to report what they thought was a plane crash in the 6000 block of Kilby Road. The witness reported seeing the aircraft dive toward the ground then observed a plume of smoke, according to the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.

Emergency crews from several jurisdictions responded and searched as darkness fell, but were unable to find anything. Several units reported seeing smoke but later confirmed it to be campfires.

There was no indication from local airports of any distress signals or missing flights, authorities say.

The University of Cincinnati Medical Center AirCare helicopter was called to scene to search for wreckage just before 10 p.m., and found a light source that ended up being nothing significant.

The search was terminated for the night around 11 p.m. and picked back up Sunday morning at about 8:30. Officials said they hoped light could aid in the search.

But Sunday morning's search only lasted about an hour before officials from the sheriff's office and Whitewater Township determined the reports about the incident were "unfounded," according to a news release from the sheriff's office.

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