Saturday, 28 June 2014

Embraer tells airlines to check bolts or pins

Embraer, a plane manufacturer based in Brazil, has sent out a bulletin encouraging airlines to check some of the pins or bolts on its E190 commercial jets.

In a statement, the company said the advisory issued this week "is a preventive measure'' and one that "is a routine procedure within the aviation industry.''

The Associated Press, citing Australian news reports, said that Embraer issued the advisory after Virgin Australia grounded some of the E190s in its fleet when it found bolts that connected their engines to pylons on the aircrafts' wings were faulty.

Among U.S. carriers, maintenance workers on Thursday discovered loose bolts on a dozen of the 20 E190s operated by US Airways Express after Embraer sent out its bulletin, says Paul Flaningan, spokesman for American Airlines which owns the regional carrier.

The bolts were fixed and the jets were back flying that same day, Flaningan says.

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  • Embraer tells airlines to check bolts or pins Embraer, a plane manufacturer based in Brazil, has sent out a bulletin encouraging airlines to check some of the pins or bolts on its E190 commercial jets. In a statement, the company said the advisory issued this week … Read More


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