Aircraft enthusiasts who enjoyed South Alabama Regional Airport’s 2010 air show should circle Sat., Nov. 14, 2015 on their calendars.
Planning is underway for a second air show at SARA, and airport co-administrator Jed Blackwell said the next one, tentatively set for that date in 2015, should be even better.
The 2010 show drew an estimated crowd of 10,000 people.
“The 2010 Air Show exceeded even our own expectations,” Blackwell said. “Every day we meet and talk to people who ask us about having another show. Because of the positive comments from the 2010 show, we wanted to have one again. We feel like this event is a great thing for Covington County and our surrounding community.”
The 2015 show will be similar to the 2010 show but Blackwell told the Andalusia City Council Tuesday night he hopes this will have even more thrills. The event will include live music, vendors, children’s activities, airplane and helicopter rides, hot air balloon rides, and some of thebest aeronautical performers in the world.
The previous show featured the U.S. Army Silver Wings Parachute Team and U.S. Air Force A-10AThunderbolt II demonstration.
There was also static displays, ranging from World War II era and Korean Conflict aircraft to that used by present day heroes currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The static show includes an A-10A Thunderbolt II, and a Blackhawk.
“We are very proud of our airport and the impact that it has on our community,” Blackwell said. “We hope that this event is one where citizens can come bring their families and enjoy a day of fun outdoors. If you have any interest at all in aviation or watching airplanes and helicopters, this day will be for you.”
SARA will begin offering sponsorships for the 2015 show on July 1, 2014.
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