Monday, 19 May 2014

Meet the Gulfstream you can take nonstop from New York to Hong Kong

Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. on Monday announced a new extended-range version of G650 model, one it says now represents the longest range of any business jet in the world.
With a range of up to 7,500 nautical miles — roughly 8,600 miles — the plane will open up new potential nonstop flights from cities as far apart as New York and Hong Kong.
The increased range beats by more than 500 nautical miles the range of the current G650, which entered service in 2012.
The G650ER has upgraded engines, but will share the same cabin, avionics and systems as the G650.
Savannah, Ga.-based Gulfstream said in a press release that the new version is undergoing Federal Aviation Administration certification and that current G650 owners and order-holders will be able to upgrade to the G650ER beginning in the first quarter of 2015 when it enters service.

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