Sunday, 25 May 2014

Air traffic controllers warn of strike

Civil Aviation Air Traffic Controllers have threatened to go by the book and withdraw all special cooperation if the CAA does not approve their special cadre which has been pending for years now.

In an emergent meeting held by Pakistan Air Traffic Controller’s Guild (PATG) on the other day at CAA officers mess, Allama Iqbal International Airport, the ATCG discussed their future line of action regarding their demands. All the participants showed their deep concern over the proposed and unjustified promotions of other than ATC officers.

The meeting was presided by PATG senior vice president Saeed Ahmad, and attended by 45 controllers. They said the demand of special cadre for the Air Traffic Controllers was approved by the Central Executive Committee four years back and the recommendation was forwarded to the CAA Board.

The participants in the meeting said the board constituted a special committee to present its recommendations in the light of which the board would decide in favor or against this motion. This committee was headed by Deputy DG CAA and comprised of a member each from PIAC, Pakistan Air Force and Army Aviation Director Operations CAA Office.

It has now been over a year since the committee presented its recommendations to the board yet no action has been taken against these recommendations in favor of the approval of special cadre.

The meeting unanimously decided that in case the special cadre was not approved they would follow the procedures as laid down in the book and would not approve any shorter routes. The level of air traffic services will be provided according to the performance of communication / surveillance facilities in that area and vhf/radar grey areas will be declared as class “G” airspace.

Class “G” airspace is termed as uncontrolled airspace. Uncontrolled airspace is airspace where an Air Traffic Control (ATC) service is not deemed necessary or cannot be provided for practical reasons. According to the airspace classes set by ICAO both class F and class G airspace are uncontrolled. It is the opposite of controlled airspace. ATC does not exercise any executive authority in uncontrolled airspace.

As a last step, they will perform their duty with black bands on their shoulders and remain prepared to withdraw ratings. The house also hoped that the CAA management would favorably consider the long standing demand of ATC officers and CAA board will approve the special cadre.

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  • Air traffic controllers warn of strike Civil Aviation Air Traffic Controllers have threatened to go by the book and withdraw all special cooperation if the CAA does not approve their special cadre which has been pending for years now. In an emergent meeting … Read More


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